The Pan-American Ocean Energy Students (POES) network is a volunteer organization that serves as a platform for different student organizations from Pan-American countries primarily, but also from around the world. POES was founded through the joint initiatives of CEMIE-Océano and PAMEC Energy Association to incentivize collaboration and sharing of information about marine energy among students and young researchers. Currently, POES is managed by student-run organizations, such as the CEMIE-Océano student committee.
We seek to support and promote the development, research, and future implementation of Ocean Energies (e.g. wave, tidal current, wind offshore, salinity and thermal gradient), as well as their connection to other interdisciplinary areas. We believe students and young professionals will play a key role in driving their organizations towards a more sustainable and equitable blue economy, one that favors clean and safe energy sources.
In recent years, the Pan-American Region (PAR) has shown notable social and economic growth, as well as vast and unexploited potential to harness ocean energy. The PAR is socioeconomically and politically heterogeneous, which generates a rich and complex context. Achieving the transformation towards a blue economy in this context will require creative dialogues between different stakeholders to promote future collaboration and development schemes. We hope the POES network becomes a valuable platform to promote these dialogues, and where knowledge can be shared and fostered.